Thursday, June 13, 2013

List, the First

First: Things They Don't Tell You in Nursing School: your schedule is a lot like waitressing - you are never done at your scheduled time. 3 - 11 shift? 2:30p - 1:00a. Also, you get called in to cover weird shifts. Unlike waitressing, they adjust your schedule so you don't get overtime. 3 - 7 tmro, 2:30 - 8, if I am really, really lucky.
Second: First time on the roof this summer watching storms. NICE. Sadly, although I actually have film in a camera, I couldn't see the settings and it's been so long since I used it I couldn't do long exposures without seeing the settings. SAD.
Third: Deck and roof are nice things to have in an apartment. And summer storms are excellent. The second wave of this one seems to be coming through, and I am no longer on the roof. Camera + rain = sad.
Fourth: Cats are funny.
Fifth: Totally hypothetically, if you are not breathing more than six times a minute, I am not going to, nor can I, give you  more opiods. You would do really well to accept the ice pack and tylenol until you can breathe 18 times a minute. I wish your surgeon had given you a nerve block.
Sixth: Cats continue to be funny.
Seventh: While I am glad that you are no longer puking, I really wish that you had not pulled out both of your IV's. But I am really, really, really, glad that you are no longer puking. Because that was rather worrisome and upsetting for both of us.
Eighth: I pulled all of the potted plants into shelter before I went to work. This storm as of yet is not living up to its purported drama. That said, I really hope that serious hail does not happen because that would be sad for the un-potted plants, and also, possibly, my car.
Ninth: I thank all of the universe that my schedule got mangled and I do not have to be at work at 6:30am.
Tenth: Is that how 'tenth,' is spelled? It looks wrong. Did complete, "Book Re-organization Project 2013." Half-price books, here I come. That was an extremely anxiety producing project. It pales, however, to the disturbingly anxiety producing project, "Photo Re-organization Project 2013."